Who We Are


We are Bob and Rami Warburton and we started SteelWool Fabrication to bring our quality and customizable metal fabrication to Western Washington. Bob has been a welder for over a decade ranging from exotic metals to farm repairs. We met in Colorado in 2016 where Bob was a certified pressure vessel welder and Rami was a cheesemaker. We used our talents to convert a school bus into a tiny home and traveled the country with our daughter and dogs, welding and starting educational farming/dairy programs. We fell in love with Skagit and decided to make our home here pursuing small-scale organic farming ventures and building our own fabrication company.

We are pleased to offer our services to the community and build lasting partnerships here in beautiful Western Washington.


Mentions in the Media

In the wake of a drought and extreme record breaking heat coupled with farming equipment shortages, we’ve seen an uptick in farmers needing equipment and repairs FAST. Reuters interviewed us to talk about these issues. Read about it here!